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LTCC reporting

Italy North long-term CC and splitting data reporting

On this page Italy North TSOs will publish data relevant for the long-term capacity calculation and splitting process, starting with the yearly auctions for the business year 2022 as an interim solution. As an enduring solution, these publications will be incorporated in the Italy North publication tool.


The published information will be the following for the long-term capacity calculation process:

  1. the duration curve of the yearly and monthly NTC full grid profile relevant to determine the long-term capacity, highlighting the value associated to the chosen risk level;
  2. the NTC bilateral hourly profile for both yearly and monthly timeframes.
  3. For monthly auctions only, a comparison between the NTC bilateral hourly profile computed in the yearly timeframe and the updated NTC bilateral hourly profile computed in the monthly timeframe.


The published information will be the following for the long-term splitting process:

  1. for yearly auctions, the amount of the yearly product that will be allocated, including information on the reduction periods and the PVP and the estimation of the volume of monthly products for the delivery year;
  2. for monthly auctions, the amount of the monthly products with the reduction periods and a comparison between this effective product and the one estimated before the yearly auction.


Furthermore, this page will be used to publish the yearly reports described in the LT CCM Art. 12(4):

  1. a yearly report issued by mid-December Y-1, providing the distribution of the samples relevant for long term capacity calculation in Y, the chosen risk level and the appropriate justifications, the correction to the samples to take into account historical planned outages and the new investments, the estimated profile of future planned outages in Y and the estimated profile of allocation constraints;
  2. a yearly report issued by January Y+1 comparing the estimated profile of planned outages and allocation constraints adopted for long term capacity calculation with the effective profile of such outages and constraints occurred in Y;
  3. a specific report in case a fallback procedure is triggered either in yearly or monthly capacity calculation.


In addition, this page will be used to publish the quarterly reports described in the LT CCM Art. 10(2). The quarterly report shall include at least the following information:

a. the identification of exceptional contingencies or forced outages;

b. the volume of reduction of cross-zonal capacity;

c. the detailed reason(s) for reduction

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