Press release
Member test

A member test will be organized between 3rd and 7th of September. In line with the test scenarios JAO will perform shadow auctions during this test period.


If you wish to participate in shadow auctions, please send your request to the JAO test team to and provide your name/ name of your trader, username (if registered with JAO), respective email address and the EIC code of your company.


Test market coupling data (CWE flow-based parameters, allocated capacity, etc.) as well as ATC for shadow auctions, will be available in the utility tool ( during the test.

Public presentation
Market Communication

We would like to make you aware of the first auction of long term capacity on the border Germany-Austria. This will be the auction of monthly capacity for the month of October 2018. Please see the official auction calendar with the following data:

Publication of the capacity to be auctioned: 10.09.2018

Gate Closure: 12.09.2018, 10:00 CEST

The auction and use of long term capacities are governed by the European harmonised allocation rules (HAR). These capacities will be allocated in form of Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs). The auctions and the associated processes are performed by the Joint Allocation Office (JAO). Registration at JAO is required for participation in the auctions. The HARs, the auction calendar, as well as all other relevant information are published on

For questions about the auction or registration for auction, please contact JAO. General questions about the introduction of the congestion management on the border DE-AT can be referred to

There will not be further announcements of this kind for following auctions. Please follow the regular information published on

Kind regards,


Public presentations, press releases, studies etc.

> ACER CCR Decision (external link)

> Press release of Bundesnetzagentur (external link)

Press release of E-Control (external link)

> Presentation of stakeholder meeting at BNetzA
             >English version

> DE-AT BZB market information – stakeholder consultation, according to Guideline on Electricity Balancing - 12/03/2018 (see enclosed)


Information for balancing groups

Due to the introduction of a congestion management at the German-Austrian border on 1 October 2018, the nomination processes for the border [DE/AT] between the balancing groups and TSOs will change in the long term, day ahead and intra day process. The following documents describe the necessary changes to the nomination processes and the capacity allocation process.

> description of the new process: 20180323_Konzept_BKV_DE-AT_final.pdf (see enclosed)

> description of the new formats: 20180322_Konzept_BKV_DE-AT_Formate_final.xls (see enclosed)